We love protein at Elevated Gains and know it can be hard to come up with high protein things to buy at the store (other than protein bars and shakes). So we asked our customers, friends in the industry, and of course put our thoughts in to come up with list of high protein options to add to your next grocery list.
We’ll start of with some staples (hit the easy button 😉) and get your protein up! A good long term goal is eating 1 g of protein for every pound of bodyweight. But it doesn’t all happen overnight - start adding in something here and there and you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make over a few months!
*Pro Tip: One thing that’s incredibly helpful when starting off, pick 1 high(er) protein snack and add it to your daily routine. It really is that simple.
🍗 Staples 🥩
1. Chicken Breast or Thighs- 6 oz serving - roughly 1 chicken breast contains ≈ 52g of protein 🤯
- 4 oz serving contains ≈ 22 g protein
- Grass fed beef retains more vitamins, minerals, and omega 3 fats to deliver an overall more nutrient dense protein than non-grass fed beef
- The leaner the better 90/10 or 94/6 if you can find it
- 7 oz filet contains ≈ 40 g protein
- Wild caught has the same reasoning as grass fed beef. Me personally, I probably do wild caught 75% of the time and Costco farm raised 25% of the time. This whole thing is a balance and finding ways you can be consistent with your “diet”/way you fuel your body is the most important part.
🐮 Dairy
1. Low/Non fat Greek Yogurt (You can mix in almost anything)- Granola
- Blueberries/Raspberries/Any berry you want (great for sweetness and fiber!)
- Chocolate Chips
- Peanut Butter and/or Almond Butter
- Chia Seeds and/or Flax Seed
- Good Culture and Trader Joes are good brands
- Add in jam or fruit
- Or if your feeling spicy a little salsa and avacado
- Chives
- Don’t listen to everyone who freaks out about egg yokes. Eat em every day and boost the protein even more by adding egg whites.
- With salt/pepper,
- Egg Salad
- Cheese squares
🍣 Beef/Fish/Poultry Snacks
1. Beef Jerky/Meat Sticks- Jack Links and Chomps came up over and over again - there’s a reason they are on top you can taste the difference
- Tuna and crackers will move the needle on your protein goals and won’t hurt the wallet
- There are a million ways to make chicken but the ones that you make and can switch it up each time are especially great to have as a go to!
- Charcuterie boards - grown up lunchables - whatever you wanna call them… I love them - you love them, fire one up for your next after work snack.
🥜 Nuts/Grains
1. Almonds- Blue Diamond flavored are amazing (Habanero BBQ is my go to)
- Purely Elizabeth should be the only brand you buy from here on out. The quality is 5X any other brand on the market - you pay more and still get a hell of a deal.
- Could go with a cleaner version for sure but if you’re like me why not get the one with M&M’s.
- On a sandwich, on a banana, in some yogurt, on a spoon - enjoy it your way.
5. Cashews / Mixed Nuts
🥦 Vegetarian/Plant Based:
- Mushrooms
- Tofu and Tempeh
- Lentils
- Beans and Rice
- Legumes
We all have days where its tough to cook or you are running around too - so for those days grab some Elevated Gains Protein bars.
At Elevated Gains, we make our bars with real food ingredients. Each bar has 20g protein, 7 or 8 ingredients you can pronounce, and is sweetened with honey!
20g Protein. Doesn’t Taste like Shit.
We hope this helps!